Dear Mr Bitter Guy,
During sex my new boyfriend wants me to tell him how much I want to sleep with other men. It turns him on when I describe in detail how i'd like to f*** them. He want's every detail. how i'd lick them and suck them. what position i'd be in. how many men i'd do at one time.
He's really nice in all other ways, but this is making me feel really cheap. What should I do?
Mr Bitter Guy says:
When you finish making love next tell him you want the $20 now and if he doesn't pay he'll have to deal with Papa Cubetastic da Ice Masta.
When he asks why, you say "Well if you don't pay me my pimp is gonna beat me again and then he's gonna coming looking for you".
He will get the point that you feel like a whore and this will start a conversation where you tell him you're uncomfortable with things and he tells you that he's sorry and won't do it again.
As a bonus he might also let you keep the 20 bucks.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
He makes me feel cheap during sex
Mr Bitter Guy
Dating Advice Tags boyfriend is a tool, sex questions
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3 Dating Advice Tips:
$20 for sex ... I wanna live where you do Mr Bitter Guy. Regulalry costs me $120 for just a handjob
You're sure you asked to be jerked off and not ripped off?
You can pay to get 'ripped off'? OOh-errr missus. SO what is a rip-job anyway?
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