Saturday, December 22, 2007

Drinking too much not the problem...

Dear Mr Bitter Guy,

Hi. I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and I think he drinks too much. He's an advertising rep and every day after work he has a drink with colleagues or clients. He also goes out on the weekends with his friends to socialize and always has a drink.

He never gets really drunk or stupid. He's never been nasty with it and he doesn't seem to have a problem if he doesn't drink in a day. He usually only has a beer or two or maybe a glass of wine. It's just that he drinks nearly every day. I'd like him to stop but he doesn't treat me bad or anything and I can't find a good reason for him to stop other than I want him to. But its got to be bad for his health? I'm not sure how to ask him to stop drinking or if I have a right to?

Mr Bitter Guy says ...

Undoubtedly drinking too much can be bad for your health, but there's a more insidious and overlooked danger that your boyfriend needs to be aware of. Look at these startling facts:

High wine consuming nation: France.
Second only to Italy in wine consumption, the French have the second lowest heart disease occurrence of any nation.

Low wine consuming nation: Japan.
The Japanese consume the third lowest amount of wine of any country (USA being the lowest) and have the lowest occurrence of heart disease per capita.

Countries with higher than average incidents of heart disease: Ireland, New Zealand, UK, Australia and USA
All have incidents of heart disease greater than the world average of 102.9 per 100,000 people. Yet these nations vary greatly in their wine consumption.

The connection between these countries is their use of English as a national language.

Speaking English increases your chances of heart disease by an incredible 20%

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