I am overweight- so i work hard on making sure i wear nice clothes- and ALWAYS do my hair and makeup before going out- I really do think I have a great personality- I know it is my weight that makes guys not attracted to me- and as hard as i try to exercise- and diet- i just feel like i need to find someone and be happy how i am right now- how do I do that as an overweight female?
Finding someone is easy. Finding the 'right' someone is the tricky thing.
It's like telesales. Everyone hates those people who phone you up in the middle of your favorite show trying to sell you new windows,but look at it from their point of view:
These people are hated by everyone, have to pitch their product to people who don't want to know and they're under pressure to make their sales quotas. They just don't give up.
But cold-calling must work or companies wouldn't do it.
The average telephone-marketeer will call 100 people before they'll even talk to someone who's vaguely interested. Out of those interested people, it'll take ten of them to find only one who's actually considering buying whatever product is being offered. And out of those, only one in three will actually purchase.
So to find 1 paying customer, 3,000 people need to be called.
So start phoning random men.

It seems that you're doing all the right things, and it's refreshing to see someone who's making the effort. It's unfortunate that overweight people get a bad rap in today's society, but it's still a sad fact of life that people who are overweight often get treated as second-class citizens -- especially by the opposite sex.
Presenting yourself well and making an effort to live healthily will get you to where you want to be. But it's a long road and sometimes it's difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep on keeping on.
This doesn't, of course, help you with your current situation. I know Mr Bitter Guy has a bit of an odd skew on things, but at the core of things he's right. You may find it more difficult to find a partner being overweight but it's not by any means impossible and should only be a small factor in the scheme of things. Self confidence is the real key. Sexy people are people who believe they're sexy -- not neccessarily the ones graced with a perfect body or a perfect face.
So just believe in yourself and go out and meet people so you can find that special man.
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