I never really put my all into a relationship and never had that special feeling about a guy until i met my current boyfriend. I fell head over heels in love with him!
This will be our first valentines day together and my first "real valentine" I want it to be very special. I am a die hard romantic and love all that mushy stuff! i was thinking of sending a big teddybear with a box of chocolates and a balloon to his work on valentines day as part of his gift! Is that too corny?
i'm not sure how he'd react and i was jus looking for guys advice. also any additional advice about valentines day and presents would be appreciated!
Thank you!

Mmmm. That'd be fun. I can only imagine his embarrassment when they arrive at work. All his collegues should have a blast ribbing him all day. As a guy though, I'd much rather get a CD or DVD or maybe a PS3 than a box of chocolates and a balloon. I mean, what am I gonna do with a teddybear anyway? I'd appreciate the sentiment for about 30 seconds before my friends started making fun ... and then I'd take it home and stuff it in a cupboard for the rest of eternity.
I'd want something I can play with. I'd handle the ridicule of the teddybear at work (it might even be something funny to talk about over dinner later) if there was something groovy to play with.
Boys need toys!
As for the rest of Valentine's Day, men are easy: A few beers, a nice meal, a good movie and a quick tumble are all winners.

Aww, that's sweet. He's very lucky. I'm partly with Mr Bitter Guy though. How about something a bit personal to go with? Remember Valentine's day is about having fun. It's a special day to just think about your relationship and spend some good quality time together. It doesn't have to be serious nor commercialised, but it should reflect your own unique relationship.
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