So I've beeen with my boyfriend for 8 months and he's beeeen amazing. But he's one of those guys that depends on his parents. We usuallly seee each other 4 or 5 days a weeeek and recently his parents toook his car away. So the only time I seee him now is the weeekend and now there even trying to take his weeekends away. I'm getttting so frustrated. I can't just seeem his once a weeek it hurts way tooo much. I've thought about this situation over and over and I have not came up with a solution. I'm at a dead end any advice?

Why'd they take his car away? He must have been a bad boy. I'd suggest you buy his car from his parents and then you can travel to him.

I can see how this would be frustrating. Maybe you can find a way to travel to him during the week? If not I'd suggest that you ask him to talk to his parents. I'm assuming he had his car taken away as punishment for something, but if he explains that it's effecting his relationship with you, his parents may be able to come to some sort of compromise.
It sounds like you're both young, so remember one thing: if you want to be treated like an adult, you have to act like one. Be mature, reasonable and rational and hopefully his parents will do the same.
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