Dear Mr. Bitter Guy,
First of all thank you for taking your time to look ovr my problem.
ok my boyfriend and I just started to date. it's been about 2 weeks. well.... I just feel like he does not really like me all that much...when other creepy guys hit on me in campus I tell him about it and he does not show much of reaction other than," I am sorry that happened to you." I know that he's busy at work but he rarely text me back if not nothing at all.
I don't know what to think about it. am I being too much of princess or does he even like me at all??
Ha! ... 'When other creepy guys ...". OTHER creepy guys? You're saying your new boyfriend is a creepy guy? No wonder he doesn't text you back!

Ignore Mr Bitter Guy. Give it time. You say it's only been two weeks and yet you're expecting him to be at your beck and call whenever you see fit. Ease up on him and allow him to express himself as he wants. You'll end up in a much stronger and rewarding relationship if you do.
4 Dating Advice Tips:
i can understand your frusteration being a girl. I always think the first month as "honeymoon period", but then again my bf's were in my class, were on instant messenger 24/7, so it was easier. You need to give it time to figure out if it really is his lack of concern or his schedule. try to back off a bit (not that i think you are being that way), but i think you should cut down your calls/texts in half. maybe not do antyhing the entire day to see if he responds.
maybe he only has a half hour to spare daily, and he will tae that oppurtunity to contact you. or it might be a jerk, whose hopin to fade out. either way-i would just downplay a bit your contact, see how long it takes for him to make the first move. its good to find out now, bc perhaps he is just too busy for the type of relationship you want .
about him not getting mad about guys hitting on you-that is irritating bc we want a reaction out of them. but perhaps he is very mature, adn assumes you can handle it, and also that its harmless flirting. it is a little sucky if you want him to be slightly possessive and protective, but it shows he is comfortable with himself, secure and confident, and not a jealous type. but be careful-if you feel like his lack of attention doesnt get better, and you stay in this relationship , a while later-you might do things just to get attention from him, ie-cheating, creating outrageous scenes just to get a response.
no one deserves a one way street, if he doesn't have the same rhythm as your tango, go find another partner!
you knowwhy he gives you a little "im sorry"?
because you sound like your bragging.
when you say that guy over there was hitting on me and he says im sorry, hes really thinking:
"im sorry my girlfriend is so up herself she thinks every guy wants her."
he possibly wants to punch every guy that talks to you's head in, but he also wishes he could do the same to you (Violence against Women: Australia says no) unless your into that kinky stuff.
in which case your weird.
the moral of the story is
If you like having forks poked through your toes or stuff along that lines... then your bf should dump you anyway.
No one deserves a one way street, if he doesn't have the same rhythm as your tango, go find another partner
I have written an article about what might make a woman think you are creepy which you can read here ->
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