Dear Mr Bitter Guy,
Basically, I've been kind of 'dating' a guy since October. As in I met him in September, but with school, work, and extracurriculars I wasn't able to start going on dates with him until October.
I knew there was something special about him when I met him just by the way he approached me. Although he might have been another guy after my body, he didn't make it obvious. He has always been the perfect gentleman.
So we've been hanging out a lot, especially since the end of October. I'd say we see each other at least 3-4 times a week, if not almost everyday. This is with us both working & going to school pretty much full-time. He is also quick to take me out to eat, to the movies, or just send a text or call to say hi. I must admit he is definately the most amazing guy I've ever met in my lifetime. I'm talking I didn't think these types of guys existed. Only in the movies & fairytales. For instance, I major in Movie Production and early on I had talked about getting editing software so I can work at home. For christmas he bought me an expensive video editing software package. See... AMAZING!!!
Everything's great right. So what's the problem.
1. I got out of a sucky relationship in May, and I don't know if I just think he's so amazing because of the previous dud.
2. He just got out of a 5 1/2 year relationship in April. Mind you he's only 22(as am I).
3. He is from a different state, and only down here for college.
4. We are both seniors, he graduates in July, me in August. After which he is leaving the state.
5. I asked him about our situation & obviously he doesn't want to jump into a relationship because he just got out of one.
So my question... Should I hang around and just cherish what I have with him now? Or should I cut my losses now to save myself from certain heartbreak later on?
Might seem like an easy enough question, but it is super hard. I know I will never meet someone as genuine as him. He is the nicest guy I've ever met. On top of that. Just the time we are spending together now makes me feel so happy, and appreciated. I'd swear on his worst day he's better then most guys on their best. And whatever this relationship thing is we got going is better then any actual boyfriend relationship I've ever had.
Just looking for advice. Thanks in advance.
Mr Bitter Guy says:
Oscar Wilde put this best: "In the world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. "
But on a brighter note, someone else said "regret for things you have done is strong but pales in comparision into regret for the things left undone."
The upshot is that it's all gonna end in tears, but you may as well have fun in the meantime.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Should I keep seeing this AMAZING guy?
Mr Bitter Guy
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