Ok well ive been seeing this guy for 2 months and i really like him and he apparently really likes me but just this past saturday he went to a grade 11 party and got really drunk not to sure if he tryed to do anything with anoher girl but someone said that he tryed and i want to know what do i say to him like cause i want to know if he likes me as much as i like him? But i just dont know how to ask him plus i want to know if we are more than just seeing eachother like are we offically boyfriend girfriend yet? Please help me i need some advice im dieing here!!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Are we Boyfriend/girlfriend yet?
Mr Bitter Guy
Dating Advice Tags boyfriend is a tool, is he my boyfriend, relationship questions
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2 Dating Advice Tips:
heyy well listen first things first.. even if u are officially boyfriend girlfriend... u need to realize that his gonna go out drinking with his buddies n all that sort of stuff, n ur gonna hear alot of things so u gotta trust him..
second of all if u been going out a lot, just the two of youz then he must like you to be seeing you, just ask him straight out"""do you like me more than a friend or are we just friends.."" his probably thinking the same thing but he cant ask that coz his a guy n he might think that ur gonna think his a sissy lol
btw this is all from personal experience.. im not just making things up :) good luck...
let me knw how things go...
first off, find out where you guys stand. He can't be seeing you for two months and not having a title for it, thats either him being shy, lazy, or not wanting to deal with the "rules of dating" . He def can't have his cake, eat it too, and not admit to it. If he makes fun of you for asking-the guy is ajerk . It does sting, but least you know he is a jerk once and for all, and you aren't painting him as this impressive guy you were assuming him to be. And it saves your heart and time for future problems with him.
if he says yes-great. and find out when he thinks it started.
either way-its an awkward question, and embaressing, no doubt . but if you are typing abou this guy and worries about what he dd at a party, that means you care about him. and you deserve equal love and respect and care back. you can't be used or misled bc you are embaressed to pop the question.
second-assess who told you the rumors. find out if they are jealous, hate one of you, drama queen. find out from others. keep in mind-some people love drama, some people will stay out of it and some will deny it to avoid getting blamed later. it sucks, but sometimes so called friends deny your bf's cheating bc they don't know any better.
second-ask him about it. it might make you sound paranoid and needy but again if you care about him, and show him that, then u deserve to know. if he acts all crazy and turns the blame onto you somehow, that is a guy trying to avoid the spotlight of blame (regardless if he is guilty or not) . that is not a great story. he should realize that you are upset about this story, you don't like questioning your situations , and people you care about, and its hard enough to talk to him about it, he should be sensitive to those things no matter what. if he is not very sympathetic, then in future when you are upset about other situations, he might just get annoyed and not care about your feelings, and that should send you smoke signals. if he admits to it, and has no guilt, what a jerk. but again, hemight assume its okay bc your not together in his eyes (this is why finding out if your together in the first place is good. again , you should be happy youfound out early on, not months years later. also he could deny it straight to your face, and you will never know. so always keep your guard up. may show up at parties unannounced. im not saying dont trust, but you always need to look outfor yourself.
ps-you can also, ask a friend to ask him if you two are dating or not. lol. ps- ive been in similar situations, and done this, and at times it stung but i def cut down the amount of time i wasted on him in half. goodluck
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