Dear Mr Bitter Guy, I need dating advice ...
We've been together for 6 months now-long distance. What we have is mostly a great emotional connection. For physical stuff, we do phone and video sex(i dont know if that really counts as physical).
I love him, we're great together but sometimes it just gets hard. I want it to work. I try really hard to be faithful to him. But yesterday I went clubbing with a friend and ended up cheating with this friend. He basically kissed me a lot, and I kissed him back, there was also some touching. I had been drinking and my guard was down because i had no idea this friend was interested in me. I'm not blaming what I did on the alcohol. I drank a lot but God knows I could have stopped it. today, i confessed what happened (well, part of it) to my boyfriend. I told him we just kissed a bit and I blamed it on the alcohol.
He says he's not mad cos he understands that I was drunk, but I know he's hurt. I had to tell him because he gets extremely mad when I lie/ keep stuff from him. And I didnt want him getting mad. I love him, a lot. I want his trust back. My friend is also now intersted in me, and I am attracted to him.
We have fun together, but I can't risk cheating on my boyfriend again- He'd kill me. Not literally but you know what I mean. I want him to see me as his angel again and i dont wanna cheat :(.
Please help, I dnt wanna fal into the once a cheater, always a cheater category.
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