Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dear Mr Bitter Guy, I need dating advice ...

I've been dating a girl for 3 and something months, and its been patchy. We've been on and off arguing the entire time. Somtimes we'll go two days without it, we even went a month once. But recently if we're not physically together, we're arguing.

Anyway, I'm really not that happy with us anymore. When we're together its great, but when we're not its just terrible. We both have some jealousy issues and it just feels like theres no more trust. I don't want to break up with her, but somethings gotta change, I feel like I'm stuck.

Either way it goes, I can't win. We continue the relationship it'll probably just continue to be rocky and depressing at times; if I end it she'll cry and complain to all of her friends saying God knows what, who'll spread rumors and drama of their own and send my reputation down the crapper.

What do I do?

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